Bug#450783: cl-s-xml: example in documentation does not work, undefined function: trace-xml-log
Luca Capello
2008-01-07 23:50:31 UTC
Hi Brian,

sorry for the lag.
Gesendet: 22.11.07 00:12:05
I still think that the solution would be to provide an ASDF test suite
(as well an example one), as I suggested in the upstream mailing list a
long time ago [1].
True, a seperate test suite as asdf-package and/or deb package would
be nice. Compare f.e. to cl-sql on debian.
I eventually submitted upstream the patch I prepared soon after you
filed this bug:

Can you try again the sax parser example code after having loaded
/usr/share/common-lisp/source/s-xml/tracer.lisp? This should solve
your problem.
Yes, works.
PS: You also need to remove the call to undefined function 'ident' in
Can you try the patch I submitted upstream and open a new Debian bug in
case this error persists, please?

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
